For all your visa applications pay attention to the following
- The passport must be signed.
- Most countries require a minimum validity of 6 months beyond the date of return.
- The passport must be undamaged, no side must be torn. Side tears occur mainly in French, Austrian and Italian passports.
- The Swiss passport contains, among other things, the place of origin. Always make sure that you really state your place of birth for all visa applications.
- Passport scans must always be of very good quality. The scan must show at least the entire photo page including the two coding lines at the bottom.
Passport photo
- The photo must be printed on photo paper.
- The head must be aligned straight into the camera. Slightly lateral views, as is common for portrait photos, are usually not accepted.
- The face must show a neutral expression.
- Make sure that any glasses do not reflect. Otherwise take off your glasses.
- The background must be white, or at least very bright. All other colors as background are not accepted.
- The background must not contain any other objects.
- We are happy to offer you a photo service. This means that you send us a photo digitally by email. We edit and print it in our office. Please note the following:
- You can take the photo with your mobile phone
- No selfies! Have someone take the photo
- White or bright, neutral background
- approx. 1.5 – 2m distance
- focus
- do not take a photo of a photo that is physically present. The results are never satisfying.
- Send us the photo in original size (photos have a size of at least 300 KB)
- Send photos in jpg or jpeg format. Never in PDF format!
Shipments to us
- If you send something to us by Swiss Post, make sure it is always registered. Our address for all shipments with Swiss Post:
- Consular Service Fly GmbH, post box 9008, 3001 Bern
- If you send us something with FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc. please use our domicile address:
- Consular Service Fly GmbH, Murtenstrasse 114, 3202 Frauenkappelen